Friday, April 16, 2010

What do you mean "out of balance?"

Some of you have been asking what I mean by "out of balance?" The best analogy I can attribute to this to is a tire - or set of tires. Have you ever had tires that seemed just fine driving around town (30mph - 40mph), but you never really took them out on the road. Everything seems fine until you begin to hit 60mph - 70mph. Then the car shakes and you are forced to slow down. This is how I view how my life had gotten.

Everything seems fine if I am just puttering around town, but I began to really notice the weak spots when life gets going at 60mph - 70mph. If I am not in shape physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially then I have to slow down and get balanced, rotated, or a new set of tires. I think I have been going on the old set way too long and it is time to trade up.

Over the past few weeks my pastor has been speaking about all the "gifts" my heavenly father desires to give, but (continuing with my analogy) if I don't take the time to get in and get the change, the "gifts" remain on the rack. I now not only want EVERY area of my life to walk in the blessings of God, but I want to RUN in the blessings only He can provide. I remember years ago - and it still may be true today - but if you wanted your car to handle top speeds you bought a set of Pirelli tires. I am now expanding my faith and asking God for a set for me - and He is getting them for me.

Part of the spiritual aspect of my life was a "settling" for only going 30mph - 40mph. Do you know what I mean? The attitude that this must just be "all there is." It is just not true! There is so much more. It is not even true biblically - God wants to poor out His blessing on everyone.

Some of you may be thinking "that is great, Jim, I am happy for you, but it doesn't apply to my life." I would bet it is more applicable than your being honest with yourself about. I have to remember I can't become something I am not, but God can give me something I don't have. Did you know that they make Pirelli tires for nearly every size of vehicle - so it really is not a matter of "trading in" who you are, but more of a matter of "putting on" what you don't have.

This is what I mean about being "out of balance." If anybody wants to know more about my journey, don't hesitate to contact me.

jim frame
Independent Beachbody Coach